
A collection of 14 posts
Email OTP Wallets on EVM chains using Next.js
Learn how to use email to create EVM wallets with Magic and Next.js.
Magic Staff · January 4, 2024
Safe Smart Accounts
Learn how to integrate Magic with Safe Smart Accounts
Magic Staff · June 7, 2024
How to set up NextAuth with Magic
Learn how to use NextAuth authentication with Magic and Next.js.
Magic Staff · May 21, 2024
How to set up Firebase authentication with Magic
Learn how to use Firebase authentication with Magic and Next.js.
Magic Staff · May 10, 2024
Custom Email Template
Learn how to use Magic with a custom email template
Magic Staff · April 26, 2024
Custom Email Provider
Learn how to use Magic with a custom email provider
Magic Staff · April 19, 2024
MoonPay crypto onramping
Learn how to integrate Magic with MoonPay cryptocurrency onramping
Magic Staff · March 29, 2024
Zyfi zkSync Paymaster
Learn how to integrate Magic with Zyfi zkSync paymaster
Magic Staff · March 14, 2024
ZeroDev Account Abstraction
Learn how to integrate Magic with ZeroDev Account Abstraction
Magic Staff · February 12, 2024
Alchemy Account Abstraction
Learn how to integrate Magic with Alchemy Account Abstraction
Magic Staff · February 6, 2024
How to use email to create wallets on Solana
Learn how to use email to create Solana wallets with Magic and Next.js.
Magic Staff · January 29, 2024
How to set up secure authentication with Magic on both your client and server
Learn how to use email to create EVM wallets with Magic and Next.js.
Magic Staff · January 19, 2024
Simple NFT Starter Kit
NFT Minting App with Magic Widgets
Magic Staff · November 17, 2023