Magic Blog

A collection of 152 posts
Magic Integrates XDC Network: Transforming Web3 Development
Magic has integrated with XDC Network to provide developers with advanced tools for creating secure, scalable, and efficient dApps. This integration enhances security with passwordless authentication, improves user experience, and streamlines development, making blockchain technology more accessible and user-centric.
Marketing Team at Magic · July 23, 2024
Key Takeaways from Consensus 2024: The Crypto Industry Evolves
Consensus 2024 brought together developers, investors, founders, policymakers, and enthusiasts from around the world to discuss the most pivotal matters in our industry. The Magic team attended in numbers to engage with builders, speak on a few stages, and better understand developer needs. The conversations we had were inspiring. Here are our key takeaways and insights.
Naimul Huq, Head of Marketing · June 7, 2024
A Pioneer in Virtual Worlds: Exploring Decentraland with Magic
Decentraland, a virtual reality platform powered Ethereum, leverages Magic to seamlessly onboard users driving the platform’s growth and success.
Magic Marketing Team · June 4, 2024
Empowering Decentralized Development: Magic Integrates Etherlink
We are excited to announce the integration between Magic and Etherlink, ushering in a new era for decentralized application development.
Magic Marketing Team · May 28, 2024
Redefining Crypto Onboarding: Powered by HashPack and Magic
We're thrilled to highlight that HashPack, a leading wallet for the Hedera ecosystem, has integrated Magic - offering users the flexibility to create wallets using a familiar email address.
Magic Marketing Team · May 1, 2024
Streamlining Web3 Adoption: Magic's Deeper Integration with Tezos
We are thrilled to announce the deepening integration between Magic and The Tezos Foundation, two pioneers in the blockchain space.
Partnerships Team at Magic · April 25, 2024
Community & Commerce: The TYB Success Story
Explore how Magic works with TYB, a community rewards platform built specifically for brands, offering a comprehensive suite of tools to transform community engagement into tangible business outcomes.
Dylan Hattem, Partnerships Lead · April 18, 2024
Magic at NFT NYC 2024
NFT NYC brought together industry leaders, innovators, and enthusiasts to discuss the growing integration of NFTs and blockchain technology into real world applications. The Magic team spoke at and attended a few events, which we’ve recapped for in our blog.
Michelle Hou, Senior Product Manager · April 12, 2024
Meta Transactions (ERC-2771) vs Account Abstraction (ERC-4337)
Managing gas fees is a critical part of creating efficient and user-friendly dApps. While necessary for network security and functionality, gas fees are a significant hurdle for many blockchain use cases. They complicate user interactions, add a literal financial barrier, and thus hinder adoption rates. Fortunately, the Ethereum community has introduced innovative standards to circumvent these problems.
Srinjoy Chakraborty · April 10, 2024
Web3 Takes Flight: Helium Mobile Soars with Magic
A longstanding leader in DePin is Helium, a company building decentralized wireless network infrastructure. Helium, once a system for distributed wifi access, recently launched Helium Mobile to bring affordable, decentralized mobile services to the masses, shaking up an antiquated telecom industry.
Naimul Huq, Head of Marketing · April 2, 2024
Community Gaming Reimagines Esports with Web3
Community Gaming is revolutionizing esports with Web3 technology, simplifying onboarding, streamlining tournament management, and ensuring swift payments. With over $1.5 million awarded across 6,200+ tournaments, their impact is undeniable.
Naimul Huq, Head of Marketing · April 1, 2024
Puma x Roc Nation: A Phygital Symphony Powered by Legitimate and Magic
The Puma x Roc Nation collaboration, powered by Legitimate and Magic, merges iconic sneakers with exclusive digital experiences to celebrate Hip-Hop history. This phygital venture offers a seamless blend of fashion and music, pushing the boundaries of consumer engagement.
The Magic Team · March 21, 2024