Web3 built on your brand

With Magic’s Enterprise Services, leverage your current login flow to onboard customers to web3 apps

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Build your ideal UX

Give your customers instant access to your: NFT drop, collectible, game, community, marketplace, token-gated product, and more


Easy onboarding with no seed phrases, downloads, or steps that add friction


Seamless UX that feels familiar and intuitive to your customers


Higher conversion for customers with zero crypto knowledge

Secure & Compliant
Enterprise-grade security and compliance (SOC 2 Type 2, GDPR, CCPA) ensure you stay on top of regulations
Unparalleled speed to meet your volume needs, creating up to 2,000 wallets per second. Perfect for your next NFT drop.
Compatible with all major blockchains (20+), with just a few lines of code

We can help, at every step

We can help, at every step

Magic uses existing developer standards to save you time. With Magic SDK and dedicated support, you will launch on time, on budget.

If you’re still early, request a consultation with our team of experts, who can guide you on your enterprise web3 strategy.

Delight your customers

Tell us a bit about your project and we can help you build a custom web3 experience that your customers will love.
