
The Future of Brand Engagement in Gaming: Web3 Wallets, NFTs & Integrated Side Quests

Toju Ometoruwa · August 30, 2023
The Future of Brand Engagement in Gaming: Web3 Wallets, NFTs & Integrated Side Quests

The digital realm, often referred to as the metaverse, has become a bustling marketplace for brands aiming to capture the attention of avid gamers. However, the current approach to marketing within video game environments presents several challenges and limitations. 

#Challenges in the Current Gaming Landscape for Brands:

  1. Limited Attribution: While brands can introduce virtual items or locations within games, pinpointing exact user engagement remains elusive. Most data is anonymized, offering a broad overview rather than specific user insights. Additionally, a study by Newzoo found that 47% of gamers play on multiple platforms (mobile, PC, console), further exacerbating the attribution challenges for brands. 

  2. Privacy Concerns: Regulations such as GDPR and CCPA ensure user data privacy, restricting brands from accessing detailed user profiles or demographics without explicit consent.

  3. Organic Integration: Seamlessly integrating branded content without disrupting the gaming experience is a delicate balance. Gamers can easily spot and may reject overt advertising, making it crucial for branded content to feel organic and essential to gameplay. While a third of gamers say adverts negatively impact their gaming experience, 57% are likely to buy from brands with game-relevant ads.

#The Power of Web3 Wallets and NFTs in Gaming:

Web3 wallets and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) can address these challenges, offering a transformative approach to brand engagement in the metaverse.

  1. Direct Player Interaction: By integrating web3 wallets, players can directly interact with brands, making purchases or engaging in token-based loyalty programs. This direct interaction provides brands with first-party data, offering insights into player preferences and behaviors.

  2. Branded Virtual Items as NFTs: Games like Fortnite and NBA 2K have already introduced virtual versions of everyday items, branded with company logos. These items, when converted into NFTs, can serve as unique, tradable assets, enhancing their value and appeal.

  3. Organic Gameplay Integration: Brands are creatively weaving their virtual items into game narratives. For instance, a player might need a branded virtual energy drink to boost their character's stamina, making the item feel essential to the gameplay.

  4. Permanent Data Storage: Current interactions with branded content lack a neutral, permanent data storage layer. Blockchain technology, underpinning NFTs, offers an immutable record of transactions and interactions, providing brands with a clear trail of player engagement.

  5. Token Loyalty Programs: By tokenizing loyalty programs, brands can reward players for in-game actions, purchases, or long-term engagement. These tokens can be traded, sold, or redeemed, offering players tangible benefits and enhancing brand loyalty.

  6. Cross-Platform Tracking: Users who store virtual assets on a web3 wallet can easily link their identity across multiple games and gaming platforms, simplifying the user experience while improving attribution for brands.  

#Integrating Side Quests as a Brand Engagement Strategy

The gaming industry presents a unique opportunity for brands to enhance player engagement through the integration of side quests. A side quest is an optional mission not essential to the game's main storyline that can provide additional rewards and help players learn more about the game's world and its characters. 

By taking advantage of blockchain's open-source capabilities, in addition to the APIs and SDKs made available by web2 games like Fortnite or Roblox, brands can create their own side quests using smart contracts that integrate with existing gaming platforms. These smart contracts can monitor players' achievements within the game and reward them with NFTs that can be exchanged for real-world products once they complete specific tasks set by the brand.

This would be a superior engagement strategy to brands attempting to gamify their own experiences. By integrating their offerings into already popular games, brands can enrich the game's world with fresh content while providing a novel avenue for brand interaction. 

For instance, a brand could create a quest requiring players to build a fortress within a set time or complete a rescue mission using only branded virtual items. All player activities can be recorded on the blockchain, ensuring that the quest's requirements have been met. Once completed, players could automatically receive an NFT that's redeemable for physical goods, experiences, or other valuable offerings provided by the brand. Players then have the option to redeem these NFTs or sell them on secondary markets.

Access to these brand-created quests could be restricted through token gating, requiring players to either mint or purchase a specific NFT to participate. Brands can also encourage creativity within the player community by launching contests and issuing rewards for the best designed side quest proposal.  

In summary, leveraging blockchains and smart contacts allows brands to seamlessly integrate side quests with separate rules and rewards into the existing mechanics of popular games, thereby creating a win-win scenario for both players and brands.


The metaverse offers a goldmine of opportunities for brands. By leveraging web3 wallets and NFTs, brands can unlock new engagement models, gain deeper insights into player behavior, and build lasting relationships in the digital realm. As the line between the virtual and physical worlds blur, brands that effectively tap into the metaverse's potential stand to reap significant rewards, potentially surpassing their physical world counterparts in both engagement and profitability.

Let's make some magic!