
Medallion Customer Case Study: Pioneering Music Fan Experiences through Web3

The Magic Team · October 16, 2023
Medallion Customer Case Study: Pioneering Music Fan Experiences through Web3

#How Medallion was able to achieve 412% MoM growth and 99% customer penetration with Magic’s Wallet SDK.

Medallion is a team of music and tech industry veterans leveraging Web3 technology to usher the biggest names in music into a new digital era. Operating at the intersection of music and technology, the company is on a mission to empower artists through direct relationships with their fans. In the traditional digital media space, web2 social media platforms operate in disparate silos. As a result, artists have direct relationships with only a fraction of their fanbase, limiting their ability to build tailored creative experiences and sustainable economic opportunities.

Harnessing the power of web3 technology, Medallion helps artists launch digital worlds that expand fan participation, actionable insights, and economic potential. Today, Medallion artists’ natively owned and operated communities have on average 52% more fans than in Facebook Groups, 76% more fans than on Reddit, and nearly 3x (259%) more fans than in Discord. 

#Web3’s Onboarding Challenges 

While Web3 technology introduces opportunities for artists and fans to connect more directly with each other, it requires users to have a conventional crypto wallet like Metamask to onboard. Most artists and fans are not familiar with web3 and find the steep learning curve of setting up a crypto wallet and handling private keys and seed phrases to be daunting.

Typically, brands wanting to provide Web3 experiences like NFT rewards programs had to direct their customers to external NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea. From there, customers had to set up a wallet, reconnect it on OpenSea, and then complete their transaction. If they chose a commonly used wallet provider like Metamask, they would encounter an additional dozen steps, which include creating and safely storing a seed phrase. Each of these extra steps increases the potential for user disengagement and can detract from the brand's impact. These wallet systems were not designed to accommodate large user bases efficiently. 

Beyond the awkward user experience, artists are eager to connect directly with their fans and to gain a better understanding of who their most ardent supporters are based on their spending behavior (e.g., a fan who has attended five concerts over the last three years is a superfan and much more likely to be interested in buying a season pass). However, the more third-party services are incorporated into the web3 onboarding experience, the more challenging it becomes to track user behaviors and tailor strategies to engage fans effectively.

#Solution: Magic’s Wallet SDK

SEAMLESS LOGIN: Medallion chose Magic as their web3 user onboarding solution that allows artists’ fans to seamlessly log into their favorite artist’s online community while also creating a non-custodial wallet in the process. Both Magic and Medallion leverage Polygon as the scalable and cost-effective blockchain for engaging with fans and powering artists' communities. 

Unlike other wallet solutions that introduce several onboarding steps and technical, high-friction obligations including creating and storing private keys and seed phrases, Magic allows fans to log in via familiar login flows such as email OTP or Google One Tap authentication. Medallion was also able to leverage Magic’s prebuilt wallet widget UI and customize the logos and color scheme to the artists’ community site style.

DIGITAL OWNERSHIP: With a Magic wallet, fans are able to claim “medallions,” which are really NFTs that represent the most meaningful signals of fandom, including: merch, show check-ins, community artwork, content, and more. These “medallions” not only have meaning to the fans who own them – they also allow artists to better understand their fans and provide more tailored messaging, engagement, loyalty, and offers. 

INTEROPERABILITY: Magic wallets are interoperable, which means if a fan joins the community of more than one Medallion artist, they are using the same Magic wallet. This allows Medallion and artists to understand these fans’ interests across artists, which can inform opportunities like music and concert collaborations.

Medallion employed Magic's Wallet SDK, a product offering non-custodial wallets leveraging Magic's DKMS, authentication via Google One Tap and Email OTP, transaction signing modal, cross dApp interoperability, and UI for wallet management. With Magic’s Wallet SDK, Medallion can allow users to manage their wallets, view their assets, connect with other token-gated artists’ communities, and customize their UI, easing the onboarding process and enhancing user experience.


Since integrating Magic's Wallet SDK, Medallion has seen a significant increase in monthly active users (MAUs) using Magic wallets. According to Stephen Vallimarescu, Co-Founder of Medallion, 99% of fans who sign in to a Medallion artists’ community today do so through a Magic wallet. 

["With Magic’s Wallet onboarding tool, we've seen the barriers to entry for our artists' fans significantly reduced. Fans who might have been deterred by the complexity of traditional Web3 experiences have now been able to join, interact and truly become part of their favorite artists' communities. We’re super excited to be partnering with them!"]


The successful implementation of Magic's Wallet SDK has improved Medallion's approach to connecting artists with their fans, providing a seamless onboarding process and boosting the number of MAUs significantly. This case study underscores the value of integrating Web3 technology into digital platforms, revealing how it can foster direct relationships between artists and fans, tailor fan experiences, and unlock new economic opportunities. 

To learn more about our products, contact our sales team or request a demo to explore how Magic's Wallet SDK can similarly revolutionize your platform.

Let's make some magic!