Discord Social Login with Magic

Discord Social Login with Magic


You can allow your users to sign up & log in to your web app with their Discord account.



#Discord Setup

After installing the OAuth extension, you can now enable GitHub Login for your Magic app:

  1. Create a Discord API application
  2. Go to your Magic Dashboard
  3. Select the Magic app for which you’d like to enable Discord Login, or create a new app
  4. Navigate to Social Login from the sidebar
  5. Click the toggle for Discord
  6. Copy the Redirect URI field from your Magic Dashboard
  7. Return to your Discord developer Dashboard, navigate to OAuth2 from the sidebar, and paste the Redirect URI you obtained from your Magic Dashboard into the "Redirect URI" field. Don't forget to save your changes!
  8. Next, obtain the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" from the current page
  9. Return to your Magic Dashboard and input the Client ID and Client Secret for your Discord OAuth app
  10. In Magic Dashboard, click “Save” – Done!
