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Harmony (ONE) blockchain is an L2 blockchain platform built on the Ethereum network, making it easier for developers to create decentralized apps.

As Harmony is EVM compatible, you can follow the Ethereum documentation to send your first transaction and utilize all other wallet features.


Magic interacts with the Harmony blockchain via Magic's extension NPM package @magic-ext/harmony. The Harmony extension also lets you interact with the blockchain using methods from Harmony's Javascript SDK.

01npm install --save @magic-ext/harmony

#Configure Harmony

01import { Magic } from 'magic-sdk';
02import { HarmonyExtension } from '@magic-ext/harmony';
03const { Harmony: Index } = require('@harmony-js/core');
04const { ChainID, ChainType } = require('@harmony-js/utils');
06const magic = new Magic('YOUR_API_KEY', {
07  extensions: [
08    new HarmonyExtension({
09      rpcUrl: 'https://api.s0.b.hmny.io',
10      chainId: ChainID.HmyTestnet,
11    }),
12  ],

#Send Transaction

#Getting Test ONE token

Before you can send transaction on the Harmony blockchain, you'll need to acquire some test ONE token (Harmony's native cryptocurrency for test network).

  1. Go to our Harmony Example application
  2. Login with your email address
  3. Copy your Harmony public address
  4. Go to the Harmony Faucet
  5. Paste your copied Harmony public address in the text input
  6. Now you can use your test ONE token in our example app

#Call Extension Method

Note that the Magic Harmony extension follows the method names and conventions by Harmony's Javascript SDK. To send a standard Harmony blockchain transaction, you can call the magic.harmony.sendTransaction method.

ES Modules/TypeScript

01import { Magic } from 'magic-sdk';
02import { HarmonyExtension } from '@magic-ext/harmony';
03const { Harmony: Index } = require('@harmony-js/core');
04const { ChainID, ChainType } = require('@harmony-js/utils');
06const magic = new Magic('YOUR_API_KEY', {
07  extensions: [
08    new HarmonyExtension({
09      rpcUrl: 'https://api.s0.b.hmny.io',
10      chainId: ChainID.HmyTestnet,
11    }),
12  ],
15const params = {
16  //  token send to
17  to: 'one1jzxhswufkh7wgyq7s49u3rvp9vlts8wcwsq8y2',
18  // amount to send
19  value: '50000',
20  // gas limit, you can use string
21  gasLimit: '210000',
22  // send token from shardID
23  shardID: 0,
24  // send token to toShardID
25  toShardID: 0,
26  // gas Price, you can use Unit class, and use Gwei, then remember to use toWei(), which will be transformed to BN
27  gasPrice: 1000000000,
30const txHash = await magic.harmony.sendTransaction(params);
32console.log('transaction hash', txHash);

#Smart Contract

#Deploy Contract

#Getting Test ONE token

Before you can send transaction on the Harmony blockchain, you'll need to acquire some test ONE token (Harmony's native cryptocurrency for test network).

  1. Go to our Harmony Example application
  2. Login with your email address
  3. Copy your Harmony public address
  4. Go to the Harmony Faucet
  5. Paste your copied Harmony public address in the text input
  6. Now you can use your test ONE token in our example app

#Call Extension Method

Note that the Magic Harmony extension follows the method names and conventions by Harmony's Javascript SDK. To deploy an Harmony smart contract, you can call the magic.harmony.sendTransaction method to send deploy contract transaction.

ES Modules/TypeScript

01import { Magic } from 'magic-sdk';
02import { HarmonyExtension } from '@magic-ext/harmony';
03const { Harmony: Index } = require('@harmony-js/core');
04const { ChainID, ChainType } = require('@harmony-js/utils');
06const magic = new Magic('YOUR_API_KEY', {
07  extensions: [
08    new HarmonyExtension({
09      rpcUrl: 'https://api.s0.b.hmny.io',
10      chainId: ChainID.HmyTestnet,
11    }),
12  ],
15const bin =
16  '608060405234801561001057600080fd5b5060c68061001f6000396000f3fe6080604052348015600f576000' +
17  '80fd5b506004361060325760003560e01c80636057361d146037578063b05784b8146062575b600080fd5b6060600480' +
18  '36036020811015604b57600080fd5b8101908080359060200190929190505050607e565b005b60686088565b60405180' +
19  '82815260200191505060405180910390f35b8060008190555050565b6000805490509056fea265627a7a723158209e86' +
20  '9bf97eba094ccf7533f0f92b4de32cf3cce7d7cff974769bca975e178b0164736f6c63430005110032';
22const contractBytecode = {
23  data: `0x${bin}`,
24  gasLimit: '210000',
25  // send token from shardID
26  shardID: 0,
27  // send token to toShardID
28  toShardID: 0,
29  // gas Price, you can use Unit class, and use Gwei, then remember to use toWei(), which will be transformed to BN
30  gasPrice: 1000000000,
31  arguments: [],
34const txHash = await magic.harmony.sendTransaction(contractBytecode);
36console.log('transaction hash', txHash);

#Contract Send

#Getting Test ONE token

Before you can send transaction on the Harmony blockchain, you'll need to acquire some test ONE token (Harmony's native cryptocurrency for test network).

  1. Go to our Harmony Example application
  2. Login with your email address
  3. Copy your Harmony public address
  4. Go to the Harmony Faucet
  5. Paste your copied Harmony public address in the text input
  6. Now you can use your test ONE token in our example app

#Call Extension Method

Note that the Magic Harmony extension follows the method names and conventions by Harmony's Javascript SDK. To call an Harmony smart contract function, you can call the magic.harmony.sendTransaction method to send contract transaction.

ES Modules/TypeScript

01import { Magic } from 'magic-sdk';
02import { HarmonyExtension } from '@magic-ext/harmony';
03const { Harmony: Index } = require('@harmony-js/core');
04const { ChainID, ChainType } = require('@harmony-js/utils');
06const magic = new Magic('YOUR_API_KEY', {
07  extensions: [
08    new HarmonyExtension({
09      rpcUrl: 'https://api.s0.b.hmny.io',
10      chainId: ChainID.HmyTestnet,
11    }),
12  ],
15const harmony = new Index(
16  // rpc url
17  'https://api.s0.b.hmny.io',
18  {
19    // chainType set to Index
20    chainType: ChainType.Harmony,
21    // chainType set to HmyLocal
22    chainId: ChainID.HmyTestnet,
23  },
26let contractAddress = '0x67a3f8db0c98524e8e4513f95cd68f7fbbca7f06';
28const contractAbi = [
29  {
30    constant: false,
31    inputs: [
32      {
33        internalType: 'uint256',
34        name: 'num',
35        type: 'uint256',
36      },
37    ],
38    name: 'store',
39    outputs: [],
40    payable: false,
41    stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
42    type: 'function',
43  },
44  {
45    constant: true,
46    inputs: [],
47    name: 'retreive',
48    outputs: [
49      {
50        internalType: 'uint256',
51        name: '',
52        type: 'uint256',
53      },
54    ],
55    payable: false,
56    stateMutability: 'view',
57    type: 'function',
58  },
61const deployedContract = harmony.contracts.createContract(contractAbi, contractAddress);
63const tx = await deployedContract.methods.store(900);
65let { txPayload } = tx.transaction;
67txPayload.from = (await magic.user.getMetadata()).publicAddress;
68txPayload.gasLimit = '210000';
69txPayload.gasPrice = '1000000000';
71const txHash = await magic.harmony.sendTransaction(txPayload);
73console.log('transaction hash', txHash);


  • All Auth, User and most Wallet module methods* for Dedicated Wallets
  • All EVM Provider functionality to respond to supported RPC methods
  • Widget UI for token balances and token transfers*

*Some features are not yet compatible such as NFT Viewer and Fiat On-ramps.

Need a feature or see a problem? File an issue on our github repo.

#Resources & Tools