NFT Services

NFT Services

⁠This feature requires an enterprise agreement

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Magic offers a range of NFT services, guides, and examples to help you create and deploy contracts, mint NFTs, and integrate our fiat-based NFT Checkout experience for your users. Check out each of the pages below, or reach out to Magic Support to get a full walkthrough of each service.

#NFT Minting and Delivery API

Guide: NFT Minting and Delivery API

Our API service is ideal for Airdrops, "free mints", or scenarios where you will handle Fiat payments on your own (versus using our NFT Checkout Service).

We offer an API you can call from your backend, which kicks off the NFT Minting process for a specific NFT. The API allows for large-scale, gasless NFT minting via our patent pending "aggregator" infrastructure. Simply tell the API which contract, token ID, and destination wallet to deliver the NFT to and we will do the rest. See our API docs for more information.

#NFT Checkout Service

Guide: NFT Checkout Service

If you want to enable fiat payments for NFTs (credit / debit, other payment providers) you can integrate our NFT Checkout Service into your app. Through our partnership with PayPal, you can use the Magic SDK to launch a checkout window, which guides users through an end-to-end payment and minting flow. At the end of the checkout, your users will have a minted NFT in their wallet and will be returned to your site.

#Smart Contracts

Guide: Smart Contracts

The core of every NFT project is a Smart Contract, which holds all the information about your NFT collection on-chain. Magic's Minting and NFT Checkout services support ERC-721 and ERC-1155 contracts on Polygon and require some additional implementation details. See the full Smart Contracts guide for more information on building your own contracts.

#Magic Wallet: NFT Features

Once your users have NFTs minted into their wallets, they can use the Magic Wallet UI Widget to view, explore, and transfer their NFTs.