NFT Pre-launch Checklist

NFT Pre-launch Checklist

Before launching your collection, review this checklist and make sure you have addressed all points.

#Checklist for Launch

These items will help prevent bot attacks, which are suprisingly frequent in the NFT space:

  • Enforce per-wallet restrictions in your smart contract, as a failsafe against bots
  • Have a clear backup plan and/or a quick way to disable minting temporarily if you detect unusual traffic
  • Keep track of wallets/mints in your backend to avoid unnecessary minting attempts
  • Use ReCAPTCHA and IP rate limiting on your website to detect and deny bot traffic
  • Establish minting limits with Magic beforehand – how much $ are you willing to spend?
  • Implement webhooks to handle failed mints, and set up alerting for mass failures (e.g. when your spend limit has been reached)
  • Consider using gating techniques to avoid a completely open minting experience. For example, email your users unique 1-time use keys they can use to mint.

NFT Pre-launch Checklist