Third Party Wallets

Third Party Wallets

restricted availability

Universal wallets will soon be merged with Dedicated Wallets into a single product line. Universal apps created before February 7, 2024 will work as expected with no change. See our blog post to learn more.


Universal Wallet simplifies the integration of 3rd party wallets into your application. Developers and enterprises no longer need to write extensive lines of code to offer MetaMask or Coinbase Pro wallets.


Only available for Universal Wallet via the Web SDK.


Through a user-friendly toggle on the Magic developer dashboard, you can easily enable or disable these wallets, providing flexibility and choice to your users.

The SDK will remember this choice on the client and all further RPC calls will be forwarded to the selected wallet. This selection can be reset by calling the logout() SDK method.

Currently, MetaMask and Coinbase Wallet are disabled by default for all Universal Wallet apps. Visibility of third-party wallets can be toggled on or off via the Wallet Providers page in the Magic developer dashboard.


Third Party Wallets